viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

Cuando "coger" y "coger" no es lo mismo...

Finalmente llegue a España... ya tengo dos semanas por acá despues de 1 viaje de 2 dias para llegar a Madrid saliendo desde Culiacán. Salí un martes por la tarde y llegue a Madrid un viernes a mediodia, tiempo de España.

En Madrid esta haciendo mucho calor en estas fechas, y casualmente como todas las ciudades donde están acostumbrados a que haga frio, no hay aire acondicionado en muchos lugares, para mi fortuna el metro tiene A/C incluido como los camiones de Culiacán jajajaja... Tuve un jet lag que me duro como 3 días, hacía que me durmiera tarde tipo 4am y me despertara inmediatamente a las 9-10 am, y bueno ademas que aqui anochece a las 10pm asi que es una revolución con esto de los cambios de horario y los horarios de verano europeo, no supero eso.

Una de las cosas que he tenido choque cultural es cuando hablo, ha sido como tener que aprender un idioma nuevo, cambiar tu vocabulario para poderte mover entre la gente de aquí, es por eso el titulo de mi post de hoy, cuando "coger" y coger no es lo mismo, aqui para todo dicen coger, lo cual de vez en cuando me causa como 1 poco de impacto, pero bueno bueno te vas acostumbrando a eso, tambien a pedir una "caña" el lugar de una chela, a decir ok? es vale?, y buena una infinidad de palabras mas ...

Quizás algunas personas escribiran cosas reflexivas sobre sus experiencias, pero bueno ya tendran mas de estas historias en los siguientes dias.

domingo, 11 de julio de 2010

Buscando Visa para 1 sueño...

So today I will take the time to write in english, it´s so good that I can do that once in a while, when I feel in the mood to do it jajajajaja...

This last month and half doing the technical stop in Culiacán have been like a reflection of my first time away home, about learning to be independent, and suddendly again feel like you´re starting all over again. Having like a restriction about how you move and do the things, but also it has been a total release; knowning that you have your space, your bed is always comfortable, that you can go to the fridge and take whatever you want, having the dishes always clean, and that you can make as much noise as you want and the person next to you wouldnt mind because its the same as you, it makes you feel that you are in home...

But in the other side, you miss that independence of doing whatever you want, eat whatever you want and wake up at any hour you want, and do activities alone are things that I wouldnt change for once in a while.
Not having the visa for me was, at the begining like the worst thing that can happen to me but then after the reflection and questioning about why it happens this to you, you came with a new though and new feelings about what are you going to do and a new door is open. It has been a crazy month related to this, waking up at 2am to start working with people in Spain and going back to bed just for a little break, was exhausting, not been able to work full time in the office, having the office mood, chatting, laughing and screaming it´s priceless. I´m sure that my situation will be solved soon and I will be able to go to Spain and be with the team... but for now I´m just waiting until the things are solved...

Sorry for my EMO post jajajajajaja

domingo, 4 de julio de 2010

Buen Día y Buen Voto

El Lunes 5 de Julio , a esta hora, o quizás mucho antes, sabremos que rumbo tomara Sinaloa y Culiacán; y hago comentario sobre esto, por que hoy 4 de Julio se están llevando a cabo las elecciones para gobernador del Estado de Sinaloa y presidente Municipal; elecciones que para mi punto de vista han sido un poco polémicas, donde las acusaciones de uso de poder, desvió de recursos públicos, malversación de fondos, títulos de maestría falsos, amistades "poderosas", cambios de partido, votos cruzados, han estado a la orden del día, y además, todo esto aderezado con un clima de violencia al 100% ; en donde cada día "aparecen" muertos entre 10 y 15 personas por diversas partes del estado.

Hoy, yo no podre votar, ya que por causas del destino perdí ese plástico y derecho que tenemos a hacerlo, pero me sentiré feliz de que cada una de las personas que puede hacerlo, lo haga, que voten por quién quieran, su favorito, el que les prometió chamba, el que les dijo que los haría mas rico, el que les ofreció seguridad, el que les ofreció quitar la tenencia, el que les prometió mas salud, cualquiera!! pero HA-GAN-LO!

Como ayer por la noche me dijeron, "si queremos tener buenos candidatos o presidentes, nosotros también estamos en nuestro deber de ser buenos ciudadanos" , y saber que nos toca hacer, que exigir, y como pedir que nos rindan cuenta estos servidores públicos al fin y al cabos nosotros pagamos sus SUPER SUELDOS!

Este día solo me limitare a observar y hacer los comentarios pertinentes, no me toca maldecir ni ser negativa ante este acontecimiento.

Asi que... Buen día y buen voto!

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Una ciudad concava y convexa

Last week, I was talking with one of my work mates here in AIESEC, strangely I got a little bit nostalgic, I was remembering or thinking about all the things that I will miss from Mexico city.

When I used to come for vacations to Mexico City everything used to be fun, new, exciting, fashion, dark, interesting; that was the time when I started to think about in moving to the city and work or study here for a period of time, not realizing all the things that this city can offer to you. It´s all about living in one of the top 10 biggest cities of the world and the biggest city of North-America

The year passed, and one year and a half I got selected for being part of a team and work here in Mexico city in an office as a graduate and professional person, working for an organization that leads more than 700 people here in Mexico. I arrive here the last week of June of 2009, with a lot of expectatives, fears, dreams, goals... So that´s when my experience started.

Living and moving around Mexico city, it´s not so easy but it´s cheap, you can move through the metro, taxi or metrobus that are cheap for some people´s pockets but you can catch them in very crowd hours and can be a mess!!! I will remember how much I enjoyed taking metrobus not in crowed hours and pass all Insurgentes Avenue, the trees, the cars;

About some places in general, see the sunlight in Coyoacan, with all the trees like a wood, the fog during winter time, going through the downtown and all the old building full of history and memories, walking in La Condesa and La Roma, full of fashion, strange, funny, interesting places and shops, every part of all of this have something to remembers, and for sure I will miss it.
Living in a city of this size give you the chance to have a list of possibilities and things to do during the week and the weekend that never ends.

Now that is time to move on again, I´m trying to recapture all the feelings, mental pictures, sounds, smells, to keep it to me and when I feel kind of bored sometimes, they will just come in my mind.

And now I will start making the list of the things in spanish

- Los molletes de Frutos Prohibidos
- Comer esquites afuera del Superama de Michoacán
- Comer tamales rosas :P
- Andar en Metrobus cuando estaba solo
- Usar el taxi y que costara barato
- Ir a Coyoacán
- Ir al Parque México a bailar los domingos
- Ir al Superama de Michoacán solo a dar la vuelta al super
- Poder salir a las 2am y caminar por el parque

y mucha muchas cosas mas... you can name it if you want

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

Año del Tiger

Como cada 14 de Febrero, el calendario chino marca el inicio, este 2010, para ellos será el año del Tigre...

¿Qué nos deparara este año?

Yo solo espero que sea un buen año...

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Modern Love

Hoy recorde un articulo que hace ya años leí en el NY Times, el cuál me recorde el por que uno no es propiedad de nadie mas...

Modern Love

Chequenlo, quizás a algunos les guste a otros no

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010


Like the David Bowie song says: "Cha cha changessss, turn your face straight, changes", y sí, and well looks like I started the 2010 year with the right foot, even though the bullets in Culiacán were sounding... maybe they were my "lucky charms".

Traditionally I always take away the suitcase and run around the street, I starte to do it since I think I was 12 years old, thinking and still thinking that this will bring me a lot of trips in my life... sooo far sooo good, I had the chance to travel, not to so many places, but travel, inside Mexico and outside too, thanks to my family and also to me jajajaja... Then I started university, and started with AIESEC, that at the begining I thought will bring a lot a lot of trips, that It was not the common rule in the first one year and half

But this year, 2010, will be different I know, the first thing with which I started was having good news, one of them was that I was selected to be part of the Conference Team in the Iberoamerican Leadership Conference that will be happening in Lima, Perú in March, great point cuz now I knoew that I was going there and working also in one of the things that I enjoy the most... AIESEC.

During January I saw poeple that I have time no see them, and thought that never going to see them again, but it wasn´t true, we met again in Culiacán, delivered an amazing conference and share so many goog moments there. Then it was time to decide what I was going to do with my life for the next period, so I decided to apply and Member Committee in AIESEC in Spain, cool country to challenge yourself and others, stay few days in Culiacán, went to the beach in Mazatlan, visited my family and sudendly I was starting another process of my life...

And this week I got elected in Spain for bein Member Committee Vice President of Local Committee Development, strange position for the people that it´s not in AIESEC, but let me tell you that is a position were you have the chance to lead the growth of local entities in one country, which I find quite challenging coming from another country.

Now I will start another period of saying goodbye to some things that I like here in Mexico City, getting more apart from my family, but knowing that such is life and we need to welcome the cHanges because sometimes they are inevitable...

The question for this time will be...

Am I going to challenge myself this year???

OFFFF COURSE I WILL, that´s one of the things that make me feel alive, getting out of my comfort zone, and do what I think is right...